The Law Firmhas practical experience in the area of copyright. The services related to this area of law include,among others:

  1. Drawing up, negotiating and evaluating contracts:
    • licence and sub-licence agreements
    • copyright assignment agreements
    • merchandising agreements
    • publishing agreements,
    • agreements for the right to use a photograph,
    • agreements for the right to use a film,
    • agreements for the right to use computer software,
    • re-broadcasting agreements,
    • agreements for composer services,
    • contracts for specific work.
  2. Representation before a court of law in copyright cases related to, e.g.:
    • discontinuation of actions which may infringe moral copyright,
    • removal of effects of personal copyright infringement,
    • making a public statement,
    • remedies to personal copyright infringement,
    • payment for charity purposes
    • discontinuation of proprietary copyright infringement
    • removal of effects of proprietary copyright infringement,
    • remedies for losses (payment of damages) incurred due to proprietary copyright infringement,
    • handing back benefits derived from proprietary copyright infringement,
    • making a statement in the press,
    • cash payments,
    • issuing of interim decisions within 3 days
    • image protection ,
    • protection of correspondence.