After receiving information from the client concerning the will to verify whether he or she possesses Polish citizenship due to the ancestors, the Office initiates an initial case analysis. The initial analysis is usually free of charge (unless the client orders preparing a complete legal opinion in these terms).

Already before conducting the analysis we provide the Office's rates for handling the case and the necessary costs.

The initial analysis usually includes acquiring such information as:

  • birth and marriage dates and locations concerning the client, parents, grandparents, and sometimes more distant relatives if the emigration from Poland took place many years before,
  • acquiring a different citizenship than Polish,
  • serving in a foreign army,
  • serving state office positions in other countries,
  • the nationality of the client's ancestors,
  • analysis of documents sent by the client,
  • preparing a genealogy tree in a draft version,

After conducting an initial analysis of the case we present the client with information whether there are chances to receive a Polish citizenship and whether there is a need for an initial archive search.

The initial analysis is greatly important because thanks to it only such cases which have a chance for a positive outcome go through the following proceedings. This allows also to limit the client's financial risk in terms when the case might end in failure.

see the legal guide: