Under the Freedom of Economic Activity Act, dated 2 July 2004 (Journal of Laws of 2004 No. 173, item 1807) a division which is established has to be recorded in the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register (KRS).
The registration procedure is as follows:
- Submission of an application for entry into the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register, enclosing
- Details of the persons authorised to represent the foreign entrepreneur
- Description of the division's activities
- Details of the person authorised to represent the foreign entrepreneur including this person's notarised signature
- A certified copy of the Deed, the Memorandum or the Articles of Association, which provide the basis for the entrepreneur's activities and their certified translations into Polish
- The official address of this new division.
- Notice of registration to be sent to the Tax Office.
- A statistical number (REGON) has to be obtained for the division
- A bank account needs to be opened for the division
- A tax identification number (NIP) has to be obtained and further registrations must be submitted for tax purposes, the entry into the National Court Register has to be updated by adding the numbers of NIP and REGON.
A fee for the registration described above totals: PLN 1,000 for the entry and PLN 500 for an obligatory notice to be placed in Monitor Gospodarczy i Sądowy.
The total registration procedure lasts about 8-12 weeks