Scope of the basic service:

We offer a full range of legal services relating to the preparation of documents and the process of registration of limited liability companies:

  • drafting a deed of association of a limited liability company adequate to the client's expectations presented at a meeting or by email;
  • preparing documentation necessary to register a company in the National Court Register

The cost of setting up a company

The setting up and registration of a limited liability company involves the following costs:

  • PLN 600 (approximately) - cost of execution of a notarial deed of association, covering a notarial fee (inc. VAT), the tax on civil-law transactions, and copies of the notarial deed
  • PLN 500 - court fee for registration in the National Court Register
  • PLN 100 - fee for the obligatory announcement in Monitor Sądowy i Gospodarczy
  • PLN 170 - registration fee as VAT-payer

The fee of the Law Office is fixed on a case-by-case basis - for information please call +48 22 499 33 22 or + 48 881 209 300 or send an email.

Time needed to set up a company

With full cooperation from the client, the preparation of documents, the signing of a notarial deed, and the filing of an application for registration in the National Court Register takes 4-5 days. The application is usually processed by relevant District Court within 7-14 days.

Additional services

At the client's request, we offer additional services in the process of preparing a deed of association and registering the company in the National Court Register:

  1. including additional elements in the deed of association - supplementary contributions to the share capital, share capital increases, share retirement, pre-emptive rights to buy shares or restrictions on the right to transfer shares, establishment of a supervisory board and determination of its powers;
  2. assistance of our lawyer when signing the notarial deed at the office of a notary chosen by the client;
  3. representing the client during National Court Register proceedings.

We can also complete other formalities necessary when setting up a company:

  1. obtaining a REGON number from the Statistical Office - (filing the RG-1 form with relevant attachments);
  2. opening a bank account for the company;
  3. obtaining a tax number (NIP ) from the Tax Office;
  4. registering the company as a VAT taxpayer.

The above formalities at the Statistical Office and the Tax Office are handled for an additional fee.